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迥異於西方文化著重科學驗證與理性論辯,東亞地區以華夏文化為基礎,其中蘊含內外兼容、萬物諧和的哲思與胸懷,可在文學、藝術、建築、設計…等範疇中窺見一二。 華夏藝術之美,歷經數千年不褪,尤其善巧應用各種符碼、圖騰與構成形式,皆較之西方更悠久且深邃,實屬不可多得的文化寶藏,提供設計師取之不竭的創作資材與靈感。




崑山科技大學國際視覺傳達設計研討會創立於1999年,每兩年舉辦一次的國際視覺傳達設計研討會,藉著邀請國內外相關領域的專家、學者分享寶貴研究心得,相互交流。 今年第十屆研討會以『化初』為主題。華夏文化蘊含內外兼容、萬物諧和的哲思與胸懷,迴異於西方文化著重科學驗證與理性辯論,『化初』以此為基礎,傳達「舉凡事物皆有源起,當我們隨著時代步伐邁進,迷惑於光怪陸離之中,才發現最好的就在最初的地方,不必遠處他求,只需順應變化,回歸初處」的核心概念。

Back to the Origins: Taking a Look at the Development of Chinese Style Design from Past to Present

For thousands of years, the beauty of Chinese art has been a shining beacon in the world.
Following the footsteps of the passing time, we see historical moments engraved by memories like a mottled town wall.
We revisit the past to appreciate their prosperous culture, which is like a window paper-cut shadow outlined by the warm sunlight.
The decorative geometrical shapes bear resemblance to the cracked ice pattern of porcelain; the ink landscape paintings and Chinese characters are drawn onto placards.
All of these give form to the gradual transformation between visual languages in different time periods, while the design is what brings us back to the fascinating moment of origin when the purest inspiration blossomed.

Core Concept

Unlike Western culture that emphasizes scientific experiments and dialectical thinking, the Chinese culture-based East Asian culture boasts a philosophy and ideal in which the inner and the outer are equally valued, and all beings are deemed to exist in a harmonious order. Such spirit can be seen in the literature, art, architecture, design, and more.
The beauty of Chinese art has lasted for thousands of years and is still in its prime. Its clever application of different characters, codes, totems, and forms is especially instrumental in enabling the art to last longer and remain more profound than many other cultures around the world. Chinese art pieces are truly invaluable cultural treasures that offer designers an endless supply of creative resources and ideas.

Back to the Origins

UAll things start somewhere. As time goes by, we may fall astray in response to colorful, eye-catching deceptions that do nothing but confuse the mind. Only if we take a step back can we realize that the truly precious lies in the origins, and that there is no need to seek for perfection high and low; just embrace how the world works, while keeping our roots in mind.

Event Introduction

The Kun Shan University Annual International Visual Communication Design Symposium was established in 1999 as a biennial event. Experts and scholars from both at home and abroad are invited to share their research insights and exchange thoughts and ideas in the symposiums.
The theme of the 10th Symposium is "Back to the Origins." Chinese culture revolves around a philosophy and ideal in which the inner and the outer are equally valued, and all beings are deemed to exist in a harmonious order, much different from the Western culture that emphasizes scientific experiments and dialectical thinking. The key spirit of the Symposium, likewise, is based on the following core concept: "All things start somewhere. As time goes by, we may fall astray in response to colorful, eye-catching deceptions that do nothing but confuse the mind. Only if we take a step back can we realize that the truly precious lies in the origins, and that there is no need to seek for perfection high and low; just embrace how the world works, while keeping our roots in mind."
TInstead of calling for papers only in the previous symposiums, we have changed this year's event to a seminar and workshop, while also inviting renowned international and domestic designers to submit design works of the Chinese cultural style. A total of 100 will be displayed. Works to be exhibited include those of the visual communication design category (posters, packaging, and visual graphic design), product designs, interior designs, and other diverse disciplines. The works, besides being exhibited in the Kun Shan Art Gallery on B1 of the Kun Shan University Library and Information Center, will also be part of a compiled album that will be published in the future. The works will become part of our endeavor to reshape cultural values, promote cultural sights, and reevaluate the true meaning of design, while also extending the production value of creations.
Experts and scholars in the designing field from Malaysia, South Korea, Japan, China, Thailand, Singapore, Taiwan, and more are invited to participate in the International Visual Communication Design Symposium. They will be able to interact and share ideas in the seminar, inspiring discussions on the different facets and insights in the designing field, thus fueling the creative energy of up-and-coming designers in Taiwan, while also broadening their international horizons.